
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wrest Assured

By the way. This is the rough draft. I have found a handful of errors in both previous posts I do not foresee this being any different.

That being said, critique. Be brutal. But over all, be honest and constructive.

I have no muse. I have no mentor. I have no hero.

* * *

"Expecting someone else, where you then, Deit?" Karen enticed.


  1. You have no one to which you can look towards for any kind of inspiration? Like for maybe as a side character a personality that stands out in some way then worked into the background? or maybe something like that can eventually be worked into the artwork in the way an "extra" is drawn into the panel...

    I wish I could see the rest of the story as you can see it in your head. I can only imagine the depth of the real story line, the words that aren't typed out loud. There is so much potential in this project and if you succeed then I can rightfully say I am friends with a famous person. I have visions of Venge sometimes and situations within the story, artwork I'm hoping to see on paper one of these days... I can't objectively critique something I know very little about. It's not about spelling errors, grammar or sentence structure, it's about the story and your story so far is awesome. Other than that, any ideas I might have or express would seem (to me) as encroaching on your grand scheme of the project. This is your shot at what I think is a great dream, not mine or anyone else's.

  2. Not having a muse just means that there is not a person or entity driving my ambitions; except for maybe Kara, but that is difficult to speculate.

    I don't have a mentor who is willing or able to guide and teach me. The closest would have to be Art Walker.

    And not having a hero is not entirely correct as I do admire Loenardo Davinci and James O'Barr in their accomplishments.

    As for gaining inspiration from real life people... I may add something here or there that caught my fancy about them, but I would hate to create or reproduce an unflatering facsimile. So, I tend to avoid exacting copies.

    And you are correct. I should not expect anyone to citique an unfinished product. But, I feel a need to add that in there on occation to reinforce that it would be welcomed.

  3. :) I would hate to have to give a bad review especially on a public blog so it's a good thing this one doesn't suck.

    Everyone has a different style of writing and as you've said you're fairly new to the writing aspect of it but I haven't had any issues with paragraph or sentence structure, the words flow smoothly enough for me to forget that I'm trying to be objective and I get lost in the story instead. When I visualize what I'm reading things seem to come together in a sequence that makes sense, like a scene in a movie. As far as some of the sentence structure, spelling and such is concerned... that's what editors are for, and constant rereading of the drafts will eventually weed the errors out.
