
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009


I may have to make this post short and sweet so as to not dwell on matters that are out of my control. Otherwise, this part of the story may take a dark and self loathing turn. All we can do is delve into the depths of my nonsanities, unsanities, and maybe even my deepest, darkest sanities.
You, dear reader, have the privilege of being able to stop and turn away. I, on the other hand, am plunging head first into it... Insert maniacal laughter here. Or maybe just a barely noticeable head twitch.

Greggor' palm meets his face with a loud slap signalling that he has realised a mistake.
"There I go again," Greggor speaks, pulling his hand from his face, "I am getting ahead of myself again."
Crunched eyebrows and a red hand print on his forehead prove to serve as a reminder to Greggor that he might be more careful in the future.

"Now then," Greggor squints his eyes and looks off and up to his right, "where was I? Embodiments! Right. So these 'deals' were really more like contractual agreements. Bound by reality and binding reality. The Prime Beings agreed to and set up a schedule for these Embodiments and each one selected one of their servants to maintain their reality whilst they were 'away'. God selected Gabriel, his most loyal and noble. Lilith selected Lucifer whom she had taken from God ages ago, most proud and sure. And Death selected Charon whom had agreed to join Death in eternity as a servant, most brave and logical."

"Numerous embodiments would come to take place as each Being took turns living the life of a Human. Often times, they would simply live out an unremarkable life. Quite mundane and without much incident. Other times they would endure great hardships and strife complete with an unusually early demise. And, in the rarest cases, a Prime Being would gain some recollection of their true nature and use it. The most notable of these recollection incidents are fully recorder by the Observates, but I do not wish to alarm you with the details. All I will say is that it has to do with prophets."

"Regardless, each time a Primordial Being returned, at the end of their lives, they had a greater understanding of what it meant to be Human. Except Death. While God came from beings who experience many things, and Lilith created and experience things on her own, Death had no such instruction. Death knew only balance and justification. Not emotions and feelings."

"Twenty-five years ago, it was Death's turn to live a life as one of us again. As was part of the deal, both God and Lilith created a condition for the embodiment. God spoke first wishing that his child would get to experience love on this visit. And so it would come to pass, that in Death's embodiment it would get to experience love. Lilith thought hard about what she could do to better educate her child in the darker emotions of Humans. When, at last, she had a condition: that Death would experience true love. And so, too, it would come to pass that Death would experience true love in her lifetime as one of us."