
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Banality of Design

Update: It's awesome to get the finger from someone you ask to take a look at your work. It definitely let me know exactly what they felt. I post updates on Facebook as you may already be aware. Some people check it out, some people don't. Some who check it out, give feedback. Others do not. But to get the finger is something new. Not only did they not care to look this over, but made the extra effort to let me know. I guess I missed the mark on that person.

Oh well. It just goes to show that I never meant that much to them.

Anyways. Design is the least artistic art form. Of all the arts, it is the most directly affected by it's consumer/buyer. I mean, sure, a designer can add design elements to better appeal to the public eye. But, if their contractor wants more glitter, you have to oblige if you expect your design to be purchased. You can't exactly sell a logo design to a company that does not bear the logo.

But, that is the sacrifice that is made for contract work. Mutually assured buyer for a mutually assured job performed.

I bring this up because of my most recent design board for Venge. It is so BORING! I want to finish it up quickly to move on to the next thing. I want to have something else to draw, to trade off. But everything that will come after, is reliant upon this new design. That, and I'm afraid that if I veer away from it, it will not get completed. I think I'm at the half way point...

Then it will be time to invest in materials and a place to do it in.