
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Got a problem with that?

In these entries I have laid some groundwork for fleshing out the (my) story. I have provided origination's of some of the 'whys' that may prompt a question.
Why do my drawings look that way.
Why is there so much detail in a creation myth.
What feels drive the story.
But, as much as I try to rationalise and integrate story aspects, problems still may arise. I would prefer to have any questions brought up now, during the creation. I would rather those who have taken an interest in what I am doing bring to my attention a conflicting plot device, rather than later. Having some fanboy question something that has, by that time, become an integral part of the story, would bring an early end to a lifetime venture. They would destroy the foundation of my story with a simple question that I overlooked.
I have no problem answering any questions about my work. I helps to have an outside observer. Someone who subjectively observes is detrimental to determining that I have all the basis covered. And that I am conveying the proper message.
Ok, ok. I know. I have not really given you any of the pages all laid out. But, this blog is about the story, not the art (even though, in comics, most of the story is told with pictures).
Got a question, complaint, concern?
Dish it out.
I've had worse.