
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A surprise deduction from my bank account has left me absolutely broken for the next week and a half. I can honestly say that I brought in upon myself... by avoiding financial obligations. I looked towards some semblance of financial relief in the most cleansing means possible. But, it turns out, a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is not possible for me as the debt I owe is exempt.

So then, the only way I can free myself is to muscle through and pay it. But, according to my current statements, I will be unable to do so with my current salary. Subtract current payments and add on fees and charges makes the total balance due more than before I made the payment...
This leave me with 3 possibilities and options, some more realistic than others. I can luck into some sort of inheritance (the most unlikely), I could win the lottery (can't win if you don't play), or I could be presented with a career change that would greatly increase my income... And, since I am not looking to risk job security in today's job market, I am left with creating my own job. Self employment.

Which I why I am writing here again. I am too busy and too distracted to hope for any amount of success. But maybe, just maybe, I can find some spark of responsibility within myself to stay focused and driven.

In comparison of factors associated with seeing success in this endeavor I find that my writing is still the most lacking. To that end, I will attempt to write my complete story here. A portion at a time. I will hold myself to doing so for a minimum of 2 hours a day. I fully expect some days to be more rewarding than others. And I'm not yet sure if I will include a 'diary' section at the beginning of each.
(p.s I really am not liking Blogspot lack of accurate editing tools)
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Book 1: Avenger
Chapter 1: Karen
-The cavern was enormous. The ghostly blue light from braziers on the walls and tiki style metal torches on the beach cast eerie reflections about the cavern. High above, something reflected that light in such a way that it resembled flickering stars in the black-night sky. The pattern of flickering followed along the walls lending to the falsification that this was not a cavern at all, but some beach overlooking an open ocean.
-The dark sea did not ripple and neither did it have waves. Where it met the black sand of the beach it merely rose and fell as does the chest of a breathing mortal, to creep up the coastline and recede without surface disturbance. Reflected in it's surface was the false starlight.
-Beyond and below the surface could be seen a vast city of decay. The streets looked to made of cobblestone and the structures made of cracked mortar. The roofs looked to be covered in a tangle of roots and branches. Faint blue lights dotted the subsurface landscape in the same sort of eerie azure blue flame.
-Dietrich Devos looked back towards the direction he had come. The bright light emanating from the opening caused him to shield his sight and shy away. He turned away and noticed that no light was spilling through from whence he came as if the cavern itself was devouring it.
-Returning his attention once again to the submerged city, he was surprised to find a robed figure standing atop a motionless boat. Grasped in two bony hands and to one side was a thin pole atop which hung a blue flamed lamp. The figure raises its head and two smoldering blue coals peer into Dietrich's soul. The coals blink out and the figure lowers it's hood.
-Long, curly dark hair fell onto the shoulders of the figures robe and frame an even featured and fair skinned face. The chest of the figure rises as it takes in a large breathe and across supple lips escapes a sultry whisper.
-"What are you doing here, Dietrich? Does this mean you are ready?"

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