
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Throw Update

I forgot that I was just going to darken in the lines for the picture. I forgot that I was going to play around with the colorization on the computer.

I got carried away.

While darkening in for a better scan I found myself adding the dark and light tones on the original piece. Just got lost in making modifications, accepting the changes, and then progressing further. You may notice that the hair-do got brought in and 'toned down'. You may also notice that the mask was compacted more and brought more in scale with the rest.

You may even notice that I started coloring in the costume. I was absolutely correct when I presumed that the straps would blend in. In fact I colored them in later as so the were white the whole time I was shading the rest in. They also stood way out remaining white. I am so ashamed of how it turned out. Freaking confusing and way too 'busy' to recreate continuously and in smaller detail.

My girlfriend realised my frustration. And while she claims to not have an artistic eye, she offered me the greatest advice: Maybe if you redo it with just a full size outline, make copies of it, then experiment with copies... This is one of the many reasons I love her. Blatantly stating what I had intended to do, but had forgotten. Got myself a keeper here =]

Looking on this work of mine, I may just have to shelve it. I do enjoy the new costume elements I have added and changed, but I really should have done more experimenting before creating a 'finished' design board.

A couple of good things have come from this (as I am open to see both the good and the bad in a situation). I have a better understanding of what it is that I am trying for. I can see what elements are more distracting than they are useful. And, just as Charon had to bring it to the attention of the Primal Entities, I understand the value of having the 'common' eye looking upon my creations.

Take from this what you will.

Disgusting expulsion of what I am working on.

Sometimes, vomiting makes us feel better.

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