
"Venge is my dream of a hero and his quest for love. And in this dream I have to do things that scare me.

I am MidKnight, and these are my Knightmares. "

-Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, March 15, 2010

Temporal Actuation

You know that part in suspense/horror movies where a character is zoomed in on, but their background is pulled away from? That is how this project feels.

The more I reach out for it, the further away it moves. One step forward, two steps back kind of thing. I just want to just into it and ignore the distractions. I want to just start the actual pages already and take the other things as they come.

As soon as I get this final 'costume' design done, that is just what I'll do. If anything else jumps in my way I'll just have to break them down. Don't have a secondary character design yet? Sketch it out real quick and move on. I think that's just what I'll do.

And as with any of my decisions, I have foreseen a problem. I drawn at work in between calls, but I'm not technically allowed. Pen and paper are sort of a 'no-no' when dealing with peoples credit card information. I have been given the green light to draw between midnight and 4 am. So this is how I have been doing my most recent pix. But if I want to move to a 'professional' comic book drawing layout I will need to figure something out. Smuggling in a sketchpad is easy. But toting a large drawing board that holds a standard comic book format 11" x 17" piece of paper/poster board would prove difficult.

It is possible that I could smuggle it in on my lunch at 11;30pm but that would mean sneaking it out early at 2am. Hm. An interesting idea... then I could work on the more mundane sketches after then. I either case I will have to cancel the online distractions I have (MMO's & OCCG's) just so that I can actually get some work done at home.

I think I'm going to buy the tools I need this next paycheck and give it a try.

It was also suggested that I create it on the computer. I pretty nice idea, but my tablet skills are not that good. The computer is set to take the place of my inker, letterer, and colorist. Which leaves me with the pencils, scripts, and editorial duties. Maybe if I had a Wacom tablet monitor I would sing a different tune. But seeing as how they run more than I make in a paycheck, it will just have to wait.

Unless someone would like to sponsor this endeavor =]

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